Description of Controllers

This section gives a description for each of the controllers in the Web API.


The account controller contains all the endpoints related to authenticating users e.g. log in, log out, register and reset password.

Endpoints can be found here


The activity controller contains CRUD endpoints related to activities. It has been created to avoid having to update the whole weekplan when changes are made to a single activity.

Endpoints can be found here


While AccountController concerns itself with authentication, this controller handles CRUD actions and other actions which can be taken on a user, as well as the user's data.

Endpoints can be found here


This controller contains CRUD endpoints for managing a department, including getting a list of citizens for that department.

Endpoints can be found here


This controller contains CRUD endpoints for managing pictograms, including their access levels.

Endpoints can be found here


In the WeekPlanner application, a citizen has different week schedules which contains information about all of the citizen's activities for a given week. This controller contains the CRUD methods for that week entity.

Endpoints can be found here


Week templates may be used by guardians in the WeekPlanner app when creating a new week for a citizen. This controller contains CRUD endpoints for managing week templates.

Endpoints can be found here


The status controller purely used by the server groups to check the status of the API, such as whether the API is running and if it has access to the database.

Endpoints can be found here


By convention the ErrorController is linked to whenever there is an illegal request such as a 404 request. The controller will always send back an ErrorResponse.

Endpoints can be found here

Last update: September 18, 2024