
The backend must have a configuration enviroment set up in order to be able to run.

Connection String

A ConnectionString is needed, which tells Entity Core Framework how to connect to a database.

It must be on the form:

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "server=<db-host>;port=<db-port>;userid=<db-user>;password=<db-password>;database=<db-db>;Allow User Variables=True"

Fill in the following:

Field Description Default
<db-host> DB server's address. Set this to localhost for local development
<db-port> The port to use for communication with the server. 3306, unless you specified otherwise during installation or in your Docker container.
<db-user> Name of the DB server's root user, or another user with the right privileges.
<db-password> Password of same.
<db-db> Name of the schema that will be created. Set this to giraf if you have no reason to do otherwise.

JWT information

This information is required for creating the JWT keys which will be used for authorisation on the server.

It must be on the form:

"Jwt": {
    "JwtKey": "<jwt-key>",
    "JwtIssuer": "<jwt-issuer>",
    "JwtExpireDays": 30

Fill in the following:

Field Description
<jwt-key> This is the skeleton key used to generate other keys. Secrecy only important for production. Use any string longer than 40 characters, e.g. this text field.
<jwt-issuer> Name that will be displayed as the issuer of the key. Avoid using anything official-sounding, but perhaps write in a joke.

Last update: September 18, 2024