Release Preparation

If a release is made a Release Preparation event should be held at the end of the sprint, before the release.

Expected Duration

2 days.


To find system breaking bugs and then fixing them before making a release.

Before Release Preparation

The Process group will set up a release branch for each of the repositories.


The release branches are tested and fixed continuously in all their respective repositories. All the Development teams will test all the time and when they find a bug, they must create an issue on github.


The whole system should be tested by the development teams, with the intention of finding bugs or deficiencies in the code base.

If a bug or a missing functionality is discovered:

  • If it is a system breaking bug:
    • Create an issue in the relevant repository, using the ReleaseFix label.
  • If it is a bug that does not hinder release, a missing functionality, or badly written code etc.:
    • Create an issue in the relevant repository, using the relevant labels.

The GitHub bot posts a notification in the #issues channel on slack whenever a new issue is created. If the issue is labelled ReleaseFix, the Process group will assign the issue to a Development team.

Fixing Release Bugs

You get ReleaseFix issues from the Process group.

Then you must make a new branch named releasefix/#IssueNumber, branched out from the release branch.

After fixing the issue in said branch, you should make a pull request for it.

After Release Preparation

If all the releases are ready at the end of the Release Preparation, then the publish state will begin. This is done by merging the release branches into the master branches. Afterwards, you need to do the following things in these repositories:

  • weekplanner, the app is automatically published onto the Google Play Store, but not onto the Apple App Store. Here, you need to log onto App Store Connect and create a new publish where you select the new build that has been created.
  • web-api, a docker image is automatically created. However, the docker containers are only restarted every second week. This means that the docker container has to be restarted manually in order to get the server to use the newly released web-api immediately. It is done by logging onto Portainer (Credentials can be found here) where you need to restart all the containers that have a name that starts with Giraf_API_PROD.

Last update: September 18, 2024