
The goal of this release was to improve the general stability of the application, as well as implementing features requested by the customer.

Completed Issues

In the following, a list of the issues completed in the different repositories is shown.


Number Title Solved by PR
703 Timer does not get removed when a timer is running
695 Buggy "fortryd" "aflys" and "done" buttons
683 The function checkServerConnection always throws an error 686
681 As a user I would like the stop button on a timer to be a restart button instead
670 App rejects login credentials before accepting them
669 Periodical bug when deleting week plans
668 Inconsistency in settings menu for citizens 682
660 Unit test bugs 661
641 Changing "Tegn for udførelse" does actually change the sign, it is always a check-mark
622 Searching pictograms should not be case sensitive
619 Error handling for timer_bloc API
618 Error handling for pictogram_image_bloc API
617 Error handling for new_citizen_bloc API
616 As a guardian I would like to be able to unmark completed activities
615 As a citizen I would like to be able to reenter a completed activity 651
614 Error handling for copy_weekplan_bloc API
613 Error handling for weekplan_bloc API
612 Error handling for activity_bloc API
610 Error handling for weekplan_selector_bloc API
608 Error handling for auth_bloc API
607 Error handling for upload_from_gallery_bloc API
605 Error handling for settings_bloc API
604 Error handling for pictogram_bloc API
603 As a guardian I would like for the app to prompt me for access to the Gallery
600 As a guardian I would like to be able to log out from the "show activity" screen
597 Error handling for choose_citizen_bloc API
595 Text overflow in "Vælg billede fra galleri" screen 655
592 "Overståede Uger" includes current week 663
591 As a developer i would like for the settings to not be saved in the database
589 When copying activities to another day, leaving and reentering the weekplan messes up the order
588 Activity movement is not saved when leaving and reentering the weekplan
587 Moving activities in a weekplan should not cause the whole weekplan to reload 694
586 Changing the weekplan colors does not work in guardian view
583 When deleting the left-most option in a choiceboard the wrong picture is shown 650
580 Newly created citizen does not show up right away in the list of citizens 590
579 As a user I would like for the UI colors to be consistent
576 As a Guardian i would like to be able to rename choiceboards. 620
573 Expand _username validation to prevent special symbols 575
570 Write custom danish error messages based on the error code 574
568 Wrong error message
563 The plus on "Tilføj choiceboard" scales down and becomes difficult to find when not using tablets. 596
562 Unit test bugs 564
547 Overwrite dialog when copying week plan is not displayed if the week plan is named based on the year and week for the week plan
542 As a guardian I would like to have an indication that informs me that a "Brugernavn" is used when adding new user
540 As a guardian i would like to be able to hide or collapse "Overståede uger" 665
538 'Overståede Uger' does not update correctly 656
535 Buggy "Fortryd" button on activity 585
531 As a guardian i would like for the text under the pictograms not be in all caps.
529 As a guardian I would like to be able to mark activities as completed 602
527 As a guardian I want the design of disabled buttons to more clearly show that a button is disabled
514 Changing 'Tegn for udførelse' does not move to previous screen 582
511 Adding activities to a weekplan and then editing the weekplan, removes the added activities
503 Re-navigating to activity where cancelling the activity was undone only show the 'Fortryd' button screen
502 Update buttons to follow the design guide
499 Refactor the code so we don't use the Observable class 609
498 As a guardian I would like to be able to delete a citizen from the system
497 As a guardian I would like to be able to delete myself from the system
495 Pictogram text is cut off instead of being divided over two lines in portrait mode on 600x1024 screen 559
485 There should be defined a errortext color in the custom colors, and this should be used for all errortext 557
482 When uploading a large image to a new weekplan, the image is not uploaded properly
474 With a lot of activities on a single weekplan, the activities sometimes jump to the bottom of the day when moved 598
471 Missing error message when trying to create a citizen with a username already in use 561
468 Activity timer completion sound is still emitted when you are logged out
462 Timers on activities are deleted when copying activities
444 Marking an activity with a timer as complete and then unmark it causes the activity to be deleted.
441 Make the disable buttons have 40% opacity
439 Lines appear around completed activities in citizen mode
438 As a developer I would want a file with the font sizes for the different screens in the weekplan 599
434 As a guardian I would like a citizen to be able to view two days at a time so that they can see today and tomorrow 566
429 As a guardian, I would like to know when I have written a wrong login fast 653
428 As a guardian, I would like to have an error message when creating a user who already exists 561
425 Periodic errors in asynchronous tests
396 As a guardian I would like to have access to x number of pictograms in offline mode using the local database
384 As a developer i would like the app to be deployed to Google Play when it is merged into master
371 As a guardian i would like to resume multiple canceled activities in the weekplan edit screen 664
364 Warning on memory waste/security issue for API lvl 19 647
352 Timer is not saved when you cancel activity and then undo the cancel
327 Artifacts
308 Visible red line when timer has finished. 594
304 The 'add new weekplan'-button is still available in edit-mode, but does nothing. 560
273 As a guardian I would like to be able to delete pictograms I've uploaded so that I can remove wrongly uploaded / outdated pictograms 606
206 API Exceptions are thrown everywhere where an api call was made previously when the log out button is pressed


Number Title Solved by PR
170 As a developer I would like support for renaming activities locally 174
168 DEV server no longer works properly
167 Searching pictograms should not be case sensitive 169
162 As a developer I would like for pictograms to have a GirafUser indicating the creating user, so that I can make sure that only the creating user can delete pictograms.
159 Images should be hashed, and saved in the ImageHash row 173
158 Error messages from English to Danish
154 Fix unit and integration tests and startup problems. 155
123 Tests failing because they refer to a file not created by sample data of the database
114 Creating a new activity to a weekplans date with a pictogram with blank title will result in an exception 161
112 Activity timer disappears after pressing 'Fortryd' after cancelling the activity.
93 As a developer I would like to be able to run the integrations tests independent on the sample-data already being in the database
91 Remove redundant endpoint 176
49 Remove hardcoded values from Controller
47 As a developer, I would like the table Pictograms to not include ImageHash.
19 Updating order of activities when reordering in the weekplan 180
5 Illogical endpoints 172


Number Title Solved by PR
81 Updating order of activities when reordering in the weekplan 86
74 As a developer I would like the pictogram model to have a the Id of the creating user 75
56 Refactor the code so we don't use the Observable class 73
52 Fundamental bug in the offline repository
3 Implement updateIcon in user_api.dart


Based on the implemented issues, the following have been accomplished:

  • Searching is no longer case sensitive
  • Guardians can unmark completed activities
  • Citizens can reenter completed activities
  • Guardians can log out from the "Show activity" screens
  • Moving week plans has been optimized, so it no longer reloads the entire week plan
  • Added new and improved existing notifications when errors occur.
  • "Overståede uger" can be collapsed
  • Citizens can view two days at the time
  • Multiple cancelled activities can be resumed at once
  • Furthermore several bugs have been ironed out

Last update: September 18, 2024