Running GIRAF


  1. Clone both and as mentioned in "Environment Setup"

Step 1. Running the Web-API

Remember to be in the GirafAPI directory when running commands!

  1. Open appsettings.Development.json in the cloned web-api/GirafAPI directory from earlier and change password to what you selected when installing MariaDB
  2. Navigate to the cloned web-api/GirafAPI directory from earlier, either in Terminal (macOS/Linux) or PowerShell (Windows), and run:
  3. dotnet restore
  4. dotnet ef database update
  5. dotnet run --sample-data

Step 2. iOS Simulator

  1. Open Simulator app (CMD + Space to search for it)
  2. Navigate to the weekplanner directory, that you cloned
  3. Run cp .env.example .env in your Terminal
  4. Run flutter pub get in your Terminal
  5. Run flutter run in your Terminal

Step 2. Android Simulator

If you have an old version of Android Studio, you need to update the SDK toolchain etc. to the newest versions before proceeding

  1. Open the weekplanner directory that you cloned
  2. Make a copy of .env.example, and rename the copy to .env
  3. If using Docker etc., edit the .env file to reflect this
  4. Open Android Studio
  5. Select the pre-installed Android emulator near the top-right corner, or create a new device in Tools > Device Manager
  6. Select the main.dart runtime and press Run

Last update: September 18, 2024