
When a user has to respond to an event, dialogs should be used. A dialog consists of a title, a description, some buttons and possibly some additional views. The usage of dialogues should be minimised as much as possible in citizen view. The dialogues should not contain any text if it is used.

Confirm dialog

When a user needs to confirm that some action is going to happen, the confirm dialog should be used as it looks here


A widget called GirafConfirmDialog has been created in the weekplanner repo which should be used for confirm dialogs in the weekplanner app.

Notify dialog

When a user needs to be notified that some action has happened, the notify dialog should be used as it looks here


A widget called GirafNotifyDialog has been created in the weekplanner repo which should be used for notification dialogs in the weekplanner app.

Long running tasks should generally not block the GUI. Any task that can potentially take a long time should be done on a background thread and NOT on the main GUI thread.

Custom buttons dialog

For dialogs that contain more than two buttons, the Custom buttons dialog can be used as it is seen here. The buttons used for it should comply with the design guides for buttons.


Customized dialog

Some uses of dialogs might be more specialized than the already existing ones. If one wants to add input fields or a custom view one should use the dialog shown here. This example shows the usecase when a user needs to edit a category.


It is important that if buttons should be added to this type of dialog it must be placed in the very bottom of the dialog and should be divided as shown in the example. Also note that buttons should be 40dp in height.

Last update: September 18, 2024