
This chapter shows which colors should be used for the different components in the application. Throughout this a single color in each entry will denote a solid color, while two colors in an entry will denote a gradient between the two colors.

Text and background

Usage RGB HEX Color
Regular text-color 0,0,0 #000000 #000000
Text-color used to indicate placeholder or hint-texts 170,170,170 #AAAAAA #AAAAAA
Background-color for any applications window background 0,0,0 #000000 #000000
Background-color for any activity 233,233,233 #E9E9E9 #E9E9E9
Showcase help text-color 255,255,255 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF


Gradients defined below are from top to bottom. Also note that the colors for the disabled button must be transparent (40% opacity).

Usage RGB HEX Color
Regular button background 255,205,89
Regular button stroke/border 138,110,0 #8A6E00 #8A6E00
Pressed button background 212,173,47
Pressed button stroke/border #493700 73,55,0 #493700


Usage RGB HEX Color
Image background-color 255,255,255 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
Image border-color 0,0,0 #000000 #000000
Image marking-color 254,215,108 #FED76C #FED76C


Usage RGB HEX Color
Background of any bar 253,187,85
Stroke/border of the bar 229,190,83 #E5BE53 #E5BE53
  • Gradient for top bars is top to bottom.
  • Gradient for side bars is left to right.
  • Gradient for bottom bars is bottom to top.

Week indicators

These colors must be used whenever a certain weekday is referenced. Note that these colors are primarily used to increase the usability for citizens because they are already familiar with this color scheme.

Usage RGB HEX Color
Monday 8,160,69 #08A045 #08A045
Tuesday 84,13,110 #540D6E #540D6E
Wednesday 247,127,0 #F77F00 #F77F00
Thursday 0,71,119 #004777 #004777
Friday 249,200,14 #F9C80E #F9C80E
Saturday 219,43,57 #DB2B39 #DB2B39
Sunday 255,255,255 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF

Page indicator

These colors must be used for indicating which page the user is currently on.

Usage RGB HEX Color
Active page 255,157,0 #FF9D00 #FF9D00
Inactive page 255,205,89 #FFCD59 #FFCD59

Last update: December 12, 2023